Sources of free orthoimagery
From World Wind Wiki
Below is a list of sites offering free orthoimagery of various locations. Note that most of the following do not offer the imagery up via WMS and is thus not easy (as yet) to incorporate into World Wind.
[edit] Austria
[edit] Burgenland
[edit] Kärnten
[edit] Niederösterreich
[edit] Oberösterreich
[edit] Salzburg
[edit] Steiermark
[edit] Tirol
[edit] Vorarlberg
[edit] Belgium (Flanders)
[edit] Germany
[edit] Maerkische Kreis
[edit] Bayern
[edit] Norway
[edit] United States
- US Dept of Agriculture: Geospatial Data Gateway: Tons of GIS Data free for FTP download. Orthophotography for most of Country in 2005 (2-meter resolution MrSID).
- City of Fayetteville, Arkansas - G.I.S.: City coverage, BW, early 2000, ~1 foot resolution, GeoTIFF
- GeoStor - On-Line Mapping: NW Arkansas Orthophotography, Color 2004, GeoTIFF or MrSID, Pulaski County DigitalGlobe Orthophotography, 2004, GeoTIFF
- Spatial Analysis Laboratory - Natural State Digital Database: Caroll County Aerial Photography - BW, 1 foot resolution, MrSID
- Napa County GIS: Free registration required to download 04/2002 1-foot, color orthophotos of Napa County, MrSid
- Calaveras County: 2002 2-foot, MrSID, color; The lower areas of the county were flown in April 2002, the upper areas in July 2002.
- Sonoma County: Free registration required to download April/May 2000 1 & 2-foot resolution, BW, MrSID for the entire county
- Davis, CA (2001, 2003)
- Perhaps they, too, can be of use some day!
- California Spatial Information Library: Statewide B&W DOQQs
- California Spatial Information Library: Interim 2005 National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) County Compressed Mosaics (statewide coverage, natural color, 1 meter resolution, mrsid format)
- California Spatial Information Library: Sacramento/Stocton Delta High Resolution TIFFs
- California Spatial Information Library: Modesto High Resolution TIFFs
- California Spatial Information Library: Riverside/San Bernardino High Resolution TIFFs
- California Spatial Information Library: Sacramento High Resolution TIFFs
- California Spatial Information Library: San Francisco/Oakland High Resolution TIFFs
- California Spatial Information Library: Stockton High Resolution TIFFs
- California Department of Water Resources: Color Orthophotos (various years 1996 to 2001) for: Kings Count, San Joaquin County, Monterey County, San Benito County, Yolo County, Butte County, Colusa County, Glenn County, Kern County, Sacramento County, Sutter County, Napa County, Fresno County and Madera County (Free registration required)
- NAIP Mosaics - From 2005, these are mosaics for each of the California counties.
- City of Fort Collins: 1999 & 2002, 1/2 foot, color, MrSID
- USDA NAIP 2009: 2009 NAIP
- MAGIC Geo-Spatial Data Resources: 1998 BW Hartford Metropolitan area, MrSID
- MAGIC Geo-Spatial Data Resources: 1995 BW Digital Ortho Quads (CT State Plane), MrSID
I imagine this is really cool, but it didn't work for me:
- 1934 Fairchild Aerial Survey: The entire state, scanned and georeferenced!
- Delaware Geological Survey: "Georeferenced Delaware Hundreds Map Images From the Pomeroy and Beers Atlas 1868", GeoTIFF
- Geologic maps, limited state coverage, GeoTIFF
- University of Delaware Spatial Analysis: 1997 DOQs (State of Delaware), 5-meter, JPEG (with ArcView World File)
- April 2002 0.25 meter color infrared (Public Access limited to 1 Meter, must submit application for 0.25 meter imagery, also, you may not re-distribute the 0.25 meter imagery; so its useless for WW).
[edit] FLORIDA
- Department of Environmental Protection: DOQQs from 1995, 1999 and 2004
- Manatee County GIS: 2003 1-foot color, MrSID
- Lake County: 1941, 1998, 2002, 2004
- Sarasota County: 2002 1-foot panchromatic TIF, 2004 1-foot color TIF
[edit] HAWAII
- Google Earth Library Google Docs: 1976/1977 All Islands with individual quads and mosaics (JPG2000) More Info at Google Earth Library
[edit] IDAHO
- Idaho Geospatial Data: 1-2 meter, natural color, MrSID National Agriculture Imagery Program
- Illinois Natural Resources Geospatial Data Clearinghouse: 2000 Des Plaines River Watershed, MrSID, BW
- Illinois Chicago Urban Area Orthophotography: 2005 Illinois Chicago Urban Area Orthophotography
[edit] INDIANA
-, 2003 NAIP, 1 meter, natural color, GeoTIFF quads or MrSID county mosaics (also see Indiana Spatial Data Portal - Aerial Photos (2003 NAIP)
- : 2008 NAIP SID downloads
[edit] IOWA
- Iowa Geographic Map Server: 2004 color, 2-meter USDA National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP)
- FTP for Iowa Counties: NAIP CCM's
[edit] KANSAS
- FSA National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP): 2003/2004, 2-meter, natural color, MrSID. Look under "Browse and Download Data".
- Sedgwick County, Kansas Geographic Information Services: 1997 BW GeoTIFF, 2000/2003 MrSID, color
- Kansas GIS: NAIP,Kansas, Browse for All Years CCM's
- Kymartian file-based Geospatial Data Download Site: Kymartian file-based Geospatial Data Download Site.
- Louisiana State University Atlas Downloaders website: 1998, 2004, and 2005, 1 foot, color, MrSID
[edit] MAINE
- Maine GIS Data Catalog: Spring 2003 1- and 2-foot color, MrSID for southwest Maine; May 2003 1/2 foot color, MrSID for Fort Fairfield; April 2001 1/2 foot color, MrSID for Cumberland County and part of Androscoggin County
- Maryland Dept of Natural Resources Buried underneath a couple layers, NAIP imagery for the counties of the state of Maryland.
- Massachusetts - Available GIS Datalayers: Early 2000s 0.5-meter, MrSID, color for the entire state.
- The DNR Data Deli: 2002, 2003-04 Farm Services Administration color ECW
- Land Management Information Center: Air Photos, USDA: 2002, 2003 NAIP 1-meter, natural color, MrSID
- [1]: 2008 SID downloads
- MARIS: 2004 NAIP Data: 2004 natural color 1-m, MrSID, entire state
- Missouri National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP) Data: 2003, infrared, MrSID
- Missouri GIS data: University of Missouri GIS
[edit] MONTANA
- Montana State Library Natural Resource Information System: 1-foot color, MrSID of various cities in Montana
- See this message board posting for instructions on how to add this to World Wind.
- City of Missoula: 1/2-foot color, MrSID BW April 16, 1999
- Nebraska FSA Rectified Digital Imagery: July-August 2003 US Farm Agency color, 1-meter, JPEG
- July-August 2001 US Farm Agency color, 2-meter, JPEG
- Lancaster County High Resolution Digital Ortho Imagery: 2002 Lincoln/Lancaster County color, 0.3-meter, JPEG
- 2003 through 2006 FSA Imagery: 2003 through 2006 FSA Nebraska Imagery
[edit] NEVADA
- Nevada preliminary NAIP imagery 1m color for state by county.
- NH GRANIT: 2003 NAIP 1-meter, natural color, MrSID
- New Jersey Image Warehouse: 2002 1-foot infrared, MrSID for entire state
- Bernalillo County: 1996, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2004 MrSid, color (haven't investigated all the folders)
- New Mexico Resource Geographic Information System Program: older B&W digital orthoquads plus newer (2004) 1-foot natural color, MrSID
[edit] NEW YORK
- Complete State
- NAPP - DOQQ 1-meter infrared (MrSID)
- 2000 to present (updated every 3 years) - varying color types and resolutions (MrSID)
- Wake County: 1999 color & BW MrSID
- NC One Map: Links to many counties' aerial data.
- North Dakota Geographic Information Systems: City of Bismarck April 25, 2001, 1/2 foot BW MrSID; City of Mandan April 2001 1/2 foot BW MrSID; NAIP 2003 1-meter, color MrSID
[edit] OHIO
- Ohio Metadata Server: Statewide 1ft (some counties at 6in) color, MrSID, 2006-2007
- 2003 NAIP Air Photo Images: Statewide color, MrSID
[edit] OREGON
- City of Corvallis: 1999 GeoTIFF, color
- South-Central: South-central Pennsylvania 2003, MrSID, color, 2-foot
- PASDA Data Listing: Statewide 2004 1-meter CIR MrSID NAIP
- South Dakota Digital Data Base: NAIP from several years, DEM, DOQQ's, DRG's and much more
[edit] TEXAS
- Capital Area Council of Governments: 2002 2-foot, MrSID, color (10 county area centered around Austin)
- Texas Natural Resources Information System: DOQ through 2004, DRGs, DOT, and land grants.
[edit] UTAH
- SGID: Utah's Statewide Geographic Information Database: HRO, DOQ, NAIP, UAO imagery; color & B-W; 1 foot to 1 meter resoloution
- GIS at VCU: USDA NAIP Aerial Imagery Download Page: 2003 NAIP for select Virginia counties, 1-meter color MrSID
- Spokane: 2003 NAIP, GeoTIFF, 2-meter, color
- West Virginia State GIS Technical Center: Spring 2003 statewide 2-foot, color, MrSID